Once upon a time there was a beautiful dining room in a lovely old home. Friends and family gathered for holiday meals & special occasions. While it wasn't used all the time, it was a lovely place to entertain...and then came SOAP.
It started with a few bars curing on the dining room table because it was an out of the way place and not used all that often. Before you could say "saponify" the 8 foot table became "the curing spot"
Next came: The Invasion of the Fragrance & Essential Oils! As we search for the perfect blend, the perfect scent
those innocent brown bottles multiply while we sleep! Those who soap know...the rest of the story. Oils, butters, lye, dried botanicals, loofahs , shrink wrap, raffia, impulse sealers: the list goes on and on. And before you know it: The Invasion is complete! The lovely dining room has been transformed into: THE SOAP ROOM
In an attempt to once again enjoy gathering with family & friends I am attempting to regain the use of my dining room. As we speak, the upstairs of the barn is being tranformed into the studio & soap kitchen. The large downstairs room is being fitted with a pellet stove & thermopane windows. A beautiful pine floor has been laid and is just waiting to be stained.
With help ( and prayers) the soapy takeover will be soon be over. My family will never again hear those dreaded words;" You CAN"T eat, I'm soaping" Stay tuned for the next segment of: "As far as the eye can see...soap"